Fifa Quality Soccer Grass

New field for the age-old sport

Almost two centuries ago, soccer as we know it, was first played in England. Since then, it has become an unrivalled sensation on every continent. The result of such a viral game? A lot of people wish to play it. This results in the formation of clubs, which need a ground, training facilities and materials that are durable. Have you noticed that your own club could do with a new soccer field? Why not contact our synthetic soccer system specialists. They can assist you in finding the new soccer field that best suits your club’s demands.

Edel Grass offers the greater public sport systems varying from soccer solutions to hockey, tennis, and rugby solutions. All adhering to the quality that the authorities of each respective sport require to qualify for ‘match fit’-status. Assure your club that the new soccer field is up to par, by integrating one of Edel Grass’ many soccer systems into the ground.

A new soccer field reduces risks

As previously mentioned, our synthetic soccer fields adhere to FIFA’s standards. So much so, that our soccer solutions have earned us the title of FIFA Preferred Provider. This entails that regardless of the on-field activity, the risk of injury is greatly reduced due to the safety precautions, and the ball speed is similar to that of regular, natural fields. This means that the benefits of your new synthetic soccer field, greatly outweigh those of a natural pitch.

  • Same natural colours
  • Safer playing surface with Edel’s crumb infills, shockpads and innovative yarn shapes
  • More controlled environment for matches
  • Less maintenance required than with a natural pitch
  • Similar ball speed and sprint speed

Not only are our 3G, FIFA standard, pitches safer than regular natural pitches, but our 4G pitches offer an additional benefit. Although the highest current FIFA-recognized standard is 3G, which requires crumb infill, we have already started development on the next generation. 4G grass does not require infill of any kind thus being more environmentally friendly. We pride ourselves in being at the forefront of this innovation and are hoping this new generation gains recognition form the necessary sporting authorities. Until then, we still offer it as a solution for your new soccer field.

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Upgrading your club with Edel Grass? It all starts with Hi!

Your research into a new soccer field for your club has brought you to the right place. Feel free to browse our various soccer systems and get in touch with our specialists, who will help you find the pitch that best suits your needs and the club’s requirements. If you require assistance regarding soccer pitch renovation, rather than installing a new soccer field, you can also contact our team.

At Edel Grass we strive to be at the forefront of synthetic sport systems, and your club could be too. Installing a new Edel Grass soccer field starts with “Hi!”

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