Last reviewed – November 9, 2020

Status update regarding COVID-19 situation

This page informs you about the latest developments concerning the coronavirus pandemic and impact at Edel Grass. In these uncertain times, we assure you that our company and personnel is extensively mobilised to ensure the continuity of our activities and to enable you to continue business as usual as far as possible.

It is our duty as citizens to strictly comply with the health regulations and to protect our employees, customers, partners and assets. Therefore we are following the latest advice issued by the Dutch Government and WHO.

Adaptability to change
In order to be able to adapt to changing regulations, we choose to make all the necessary decisions in real time. This means situations can change at any time. In order to keep you updated in real time also, at first any changes made will be made available and communicated trough this page on our website.

Continuity of our service
Our sales and support team is still largely working from home until the advice changes. Requests from our customers are being carried out according to the same high standards as you would expect from us. We aim to provide our best service and support as long as regulations are in effect. Please bear with us or your personal sales manager if any minor delays or complications arise.

Continuity of our deliveries
We are in close consultation with our supply and manufacturing chain to guarantee operational business continuity. Our production, warehouse and logistic department are fully up and running. Safety measures for employees, visitors, pick-ups and suppliers (truck drivers e.g.), such as disinfection of hands, keeping 1,5 meter distance and no physical contact (hand shakes) are kept in effect. We monitor and analyse every day to detect, steer, respond to and anticipate critical situations in this exceptional context.

We aim to not only look after our customers’ well being but also our staff’s. We kindly ask you to only visit our office or warehouse with an appointment or after consulting with one of our staff. Also due to regulations, our project and sales managers are limited in (international) travelling. We kindly request to contact them for meetings via video calls or telephone in order to accommodate your needs as you see them appropriate and required.

Our customer service and support department remains available to answer any questions you may have. You can reach us by email at or by calling +31 (0)38 425 00 50.

The Edel Grass people are entirely committed to facing this crisis and its aftermaths hand in hand with you in order to tackle your difficulties and mitigate your and our own difficulties as much as possible. Let’s make sure to get through this challenging period together and help out each other where we can.

Thank you for your unwavering trust.

Now let’s keep the ball rolling!

    Thanks! Please let us know who you are


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    For urgent matters or in case of any questions please contact us via or call +31 385 425 00 50